Friday 11 September 2009

The Astounding House

This week our phonic sound is the ow/ou/ough.

You have a copy of the story below in your homework books.
Write your own story (called a scaffolded text) using as many words with the ow/ou/ough sound as you can.
Post your story as a comment.

The Astounding House

You would never believe that thousands of people would travel over mountains, underground, through clouds and by sea to visit the magical fountain at Slough House.

At noon each day people would surround the fountain at the astounding house and watch as the house changed to a clown. Bounce, the clown would bow to the applause of the crowd and astound the audience with his magic tricks.

The audience would shout aloud, ‘What a clown!’. Bounce would count to ten, jump into the fountain and he would reappear in his nightgown.


Mr Gray said...

"How now brown cow?" said Farmer Bob from Slough to his cow. "I need you to pull my plough across the field so I can plant my crops."
The cow slowly began to bow and then slowly said aloud, "Did you not know that a brown cow from Slough is not allowed to pull a plough? You should buy a tractor!"

Mr Gray said...

test post for the class

Anna said...

My Scaffold text

There once was a small town at the bottom of a mountain it was doubtful that anyone in the town would get work done cause they kept going round in circles. This happened so much that one day the accountant fell into a slough.The accountant began to shout and shout!!!He made such a terrible sound that a heard of cows came running!!!This was his downfall because the cows could not tell anybody about him!!!

Rebecca W said...

Brown Cow
When I was allowed to get a brown cow for my familys farm I was so proud. I said aloud "I wonder if I will get a discount because I live on a farm?" I have to walk to town to get to the petshop to buy my brown cow. When I got to the petshop I asked how much a brown cow would cost. The petshop owner said it would cost about 1 thousand pounds for a brown cow. I wondered if I would have that amount of money in my account. And I did. So I bought my brown cow and walked her home. I called my cow Clown because one of her patches looks like a clown juggling. Later I got Clown to pull my plough round the field. I was astounded to see how neatly she ploughed the field. I bowed to her and said goodnight. THE END!!!

Jake said...

Thousands of birds surrounded the fields and the sky was full of dark clouds. There was a heavy downfall of rain and we still had loads of fields to plough and cows to milk.
My sister was at the house washing her hair and drying it with a towel, as she was going to watch Girls Aloud. She was very late and was astounded when my dad did not allow her to go.

Jake Hanlon

Lydia said...

Cloudy Mountain
One day a thousand people attempted to climb a mountain to reach the clouds. On their journey they watched cows dance around the town making lots of sound. They carried on climbing the mountain until they saw a farmer plough the fields. He was shouting loudly then frowned because he didn't get discount on his account. Finally he astounded the crowd by turning around and becoming a cloud. The crowd cheered. He was so proud he shouted aloud and took a bow.

Lydia&Anna said...

We think Rebecca's scaffold text was really good!!!!!!!

REBECCA W said...


megan said...

i love your story mr gray

Anna said...

i like courtneys and lydias scaffold text cause they are really good!!!!