Wednesday 10 March 2010

My Terrible Uncle Able has got it Wrong

My uncle Able is terrible. He says I am incredible!! He says that I am a horrible little menace. I am not!!
I am the most sensible, responsible child imaginable! Well, maybe not!!
Still, I am quite good at talking. I am loud and excitable. I am no angel but I can be respectable at times. I don’t care about being fashionable and I think soap addiction is incurable. My terrible uncle Able has got it wrong! What do you think?

Post your scaffold texts here


hanna said...

The Magician
One night my mum and dad took me to a magic show,It was very enjoyable.The magician was called THE REMARKABLE RAZO.He had an assistant called Wendy.One of the tricks was putting Wendy in a box with holes in it,so she could put her arms,legs and head out.Wendy had to be very flexible to do this,it looked impossible that she would even fit into the box,But she did.Then the remarkable Razo took a massive saw,he started to saw through the box in two places.He pulled the bottom of the box and her legs separated from her waist,then the top of the box with her head and arms pulled away from her body.My mum was nearly sick,"That's impossable"she said.Then the remarkable Razo put the box back together again,he lifted the lid and out stepped Wendy"remarkable" cheered the crowed as they applauded.It was a very enjoyable evening and we all found it impossible to work out how he did the illusions,but thats magic. !THE END!

megan said...

Have you heard the news? There is a new horrible, incurable, unfashionable but yet enjoyable tummy bug going around. It is enjoyable because it is impossible to go to school with it. It is horrible because it a real bug in your stomach!!! It is incurable because of the fact it is a real bug in your stomach which travels to your head within four days and I know it is unbelievable but it eats your hair!! It is unfashionable because....... well let’s recap. It eats your hair so you need something to cover it. So the doc gives you a bright yellow neon coloured cap to wear on your head. So you don’t want to catch it do you!!!

Lydia said...

The teenager Sible is very fashionable. Her life is so enjoyable everyone wants to be her friend. It is impossible for her to choose between them. She is a reliable friend and always available to help.
Sible is also very flexible and attends gymnastics every week. It is impossible for anyone to beat her.
Her clothes are incredible, they are never horrible. She is very smart and remarkable. She writes books that are accessible to all. It is understandable everyone finds her really likeable.

Anonymous said...

the dependable audi
one day a guy bought an had horrible tyres,an unaudibe radio and an unfashionable radio, but on the other hand it was very reliable.its tyres never went flat and its engine never broke down.but the man had a unreliable finance provider,northern rock to be exact, and he lost all his money and had to buy a bike.

by the way how do you put your name on your work cuase i kinda forgot?

Chloe Calvert said...

Two days ago i had a horrible day. For starters i had inedible food and then i was called unfashionable. Yesterday i had an enjoyable day because i got remarkable marks in my tests and someone said i was very likable and reliable. In school there are a lot of inconsiderable children and then there are a lot of respectable and dependable.

Philip said...

One horrible wet Monday evening Tom and his mum took the reliable bus service to town to see a variety show. Tom’s mum was in a wheelchair so they got available seats accessible for wheelchairs. She suffered from an incurable condition which made her dependable on others because it was impossible for her to walk.
The show was remarkable, very enjoyable with every type of act imaginable. One act used inflammable liquid to light hoops, which a man then ran through. A girl was very flexible doing a gymnastics routine. Clowns came out in unfashionable clothes and made understandable jokes. The unavoidable laughter was audible throughout the building. The clowns threw inedible eggs at each other and edible sweets at the children.
In the end it was a credible show and it was permissible for Tom to be out late on a school night.
The end
By philip