Friday 16 October 2009

00 words anagrams

An anagram is a jumbled word.
Use the clue to help work out which one of your spelling words is jumbled

1. paddled on water = noace

2. made from a tree = dewnoo

3. used to clean your teeth = pteohotsta

4. worn smartly = utsi

5. got after a bump = urbsie

6. taken on a big ship = sureic

7. light at night = lmhiogont

8. the way to go = reotu

9. new to the job = utrrcei

10. used to wash your hair = phomaso


philip said...

1. paddled on water = noace = canoe

2. made from a tree = dewnoo = wooden

3. used to clean your teeth = pteohotsta = toothpaste

4. worn smartly = utsi =suit

5. got after a bump = urbsie = bruise

6. taken on a big ship = sureic =

7. light at night = lmhiogont = moonlight

8. the way to go = reotu = route

9. new to the job = utrrcei = recruit

10. used to wash your hair =
phomaso = shampoo

Lydia said...

1. Canoe
2. Wooden
3. Toothpaste
4. Suit
5. Bruise
6. Cruise
7. Moonlight
8. Route
9. Recruit
10. Shampoo

Anna said...

Mr.Gray can you put mine on please!!!:) :0 ;)

Mr Gray said...

Put what on Anna?
send it in again

Anna:) said...

1.Paddled on water-canoe
2.Made from a tree-wooden
3.used to clean your teeth-toothpaste
4.Worn smartly(Mr.Gray)-suit
5.Got after a bump-bruise
6.Taken on a big ship-Cruise
7.Light at night-moonlight
8.The way to go-route
9.New to the job-Recruit
10.used to wash your hair-shampoo