Tuesday 6 October 2009

AY Sound Homeworks

This week we are going to do our texts a little differently.
Instead of writing a paragraph, I would like you to write sentences that include direct speech.

Remember to use all the correct punctuation and PLEASE make them interesting!
A house point for each homework posted, and a bonus for the person that uses the most AY sounds in one sentence.

Here is an example:
The doctor said "I may have to operate to remove the raisin today, please say it is okay."


philip said...

1. Mr Gray said, "it is my birthaday today so you better obey what I say, or you won't get any cake made with raisins."

2. "Can you please straighten your trailer immediately, as it is on the pavement, so that the children can play safely?" said my neighbour.

3. Jay exclaimed, "Well done! I want to praise you for your clay creation of Saint Patrick".

4. "My cake is stale!" exclaimed Jake.

5. The reindeer said, "can you operate a sleigh?"

Rebecca W said...

"I got my fist payment today," said my mum.

"It is my birthday today!" exclaimed the little girl.

"To-day an the M12 a car carrying a trailer stoped immediatly and out slid the sleigh that was in the trailer and the neighbour car had to stop because of it." reported by Natasha Kaplinsky for BBC News.

"You must obey your teacher and straighten your ties, all of you!!" shouted Mr Shields.

"I found out today at school that most pavements are made of clay." said Melanie to her mum.

"Sorry about the delay," said the air hostess, "now please praise the captain as it is his last fly!"

"To-day the doctors at Creation Hospital had to operate because Mr. J Gray burst a vein. He did survive.......I think!?

"What is in this bread?? Raisins???" Patrick asked his mum.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday

Anna said...

Mr gray what was number four in our spellings???

Anna said...

dosen't matter i got it!:) with thanks to Kirsty!!!

Lydia said...

1."Why are you operating on that patient?" asked Jake.
2."Straighten up and raise your arm above your head," requested the teacher.
3."Obey our commands and stop complaining. It's for your own safety!" yelled the officer.
4."If you don't get your aim right your ball will hit the pavement," mumbled the headmaster.
5.The bus has been delayed, please return to the pavement!" exclaimed the driver.
6."She baked a birthday cake, a fruit cake with raisins in it," Jay said.
7.Jake had good fun playing on his sleigh in the rain," giggled the girl.
8.Praise and worship God , He created the world," said the minister.

Anna said...

There once was a old teacher who always complained.
She would have said," Straighten yourself up,you look like my neighbour who aims to raise enough money for a sleigh" She also said to herself.
"I pray it won't rain,as I have a chain on my clay because it is on display and I don't want it to run away!"
The teacher shouted "Don't delay the immediate raise, your surname will be put on a apron!"

rebekah carson said...

My mum said,"put your apron on we are going to make a birthday cake with some rasins in it."

My neighbour asked me,"Rebekah is your surname Carson after the saint?"
The policeman exclaimed,"is that a sleigh on your trailer about to fall on the pavement as for your safety it should be removed with out delay?"

The shop assistant exclaimed,"do you want to complain about the clay chain on display as we operate a payment
for everyone that can raise an immediate complaint as we aim to please?"

s-j said...

Today we did a school play,it was called payment". There was bad news my teather announced "kidz sorry to say, but the school play is canceld". My teather was upset couse it was his birthday, and people called him old."We need more clay"I said. my chain (aka my neckless )got coughtand it broke.At home before bed id start to pray.It now startet to rain,my mum give me some chocolate cake.Then my dad bought me a sleigh.

THE END thanks for reading bye:)

Anna:) said...

Mr.Gray who got the most words in one sentence????

Mr Gray said...

Phillip got the most in one sentence and wins 2HP - he had 7

Anna:) said...

ok his was good