Wednesday 21 April 2010

Spelling Activities

Try the spelling activites online here

We'll try this over the next few weeks to see how things go.

Leave comments to let me know your thoughts.
If it's useful we'll keep it, if not we won't!


hanna n said...

this is sort of good to train i like it....

Lydia said...

There was an excellent student who was really brilliant. When doing measurements he was always getting perfect marks. If there was an incident he would never be disobedient.
When he played his instrument he was always silent on the rests. He was amazing at equivalent fractions. Doing experiments he was the only one who could answer all the questions.
He was a really obedient person.

megan said...

My Scaffold Text

There was a giant called a Bob. He was a very silent giant. He was a student at an excellent school called Brilliant Academy. When he grew up he could not decide what to do he could be in government, he could be a musician and play an instrument, he cloud be a scientist and do cool experiments, or take over his dads job and come up with names for cleaning detergents. Whatever he did he could not be an entertainer because as I said he was a very silent giant!!!

Rebekah :) said...

Hello, Spelling City is very good I was getting alot of mistakes during the week so I tried this game and I got all my spellings right..!! It is also fun to play the games and its a awesome way to learn spellings :)

Rebekah :)