Thursday 29 April 2010

This week's scaffold text: ~ory ~ary ~ery

The Burglary

A newspaper article about a legendary burglary in the conservatory was compulsory reading. Due to a slippery floor the thief skidded to the lavatory and suffered temporary respiratory failure. Although his recovery was satisfactory, he needed surgery. He also lost his memory and still queries why he was there.

Post your texts as usual. It'd also be a good idea to have a go at the spelling city games as this week the words are pretty difficult.
Click here for games

1 comment:

Lydia said...

We went on an extraordinary tour of Northern Ireland. First we went to Bushmills distillery. There had been a burglary and the whisky had been found by the secretary in a nearby cemetery. In Coleriane we found it necessary to stop and buy some jewellery and a dictionary for the school secretary. We went back to our hotel and ate celery sandwiches for tea. The next day we crossed the boundary to Fermanagh. We counted the inventory at the creamery. We found it necessary to have a temporary stop for our tea before returning home.