Monday 8 November 2010

This Week's Spellings & Scaffold Text

After a little break spelling city is back online. Click here or on the picture to visit the site

Our scaffold text activity is back on too, as usual post comments with your text. This week our story is called:
Royston the Noisy Snake
Royston was, by all accounts, a very noisy snake. His friends would say, ‘The idea of being a snake is so you can hoist yourself up into a tree and silently coil yourself round a branch and then drop down on your prey without them even knowing you are there.’ Alas poor Royston couldn’t stay quiet for long enough to do this.

One day his friends took him aside and explained he had choices to make. Either he was going to be the annoying, poisonous, noiseless, destroyer that he was meant to be or they would employ sterner measures to get him to conform.

Needless to say sterner measures could not be avoided. Royston’s friends sent him on a voyage of discovery. His most loyal friend, Lloyd went with him and introduced him to the android on the hill, who, happened to have an ointment for noisiness. A couple of applications later Royston was less noisy and actually started to enjoy slithering around, silently creeping and toiling up on his prey as a snake should do.


jakedoodle said...

Once upon a time there was a convoy of people heading to see a concert of Duck Sauce.They were singing a new track called the Oyster Destroyer, it was a cool song people would sing to one and other. Duck Sauce had a place for an electric guitarist in the band so everybody in the unemployment line rushed to get them as their employer. The noisiest guitarist got the job, and he kept annoying everyone else with his choices of music. Thankfully a massive asteroid came zooming down to earth and killed him, so a memeber of royalty took his place.

megan thornbury!!!!!!!!!!! said...

The annoying voyage
One fine day we set off on an enjoyable voyage, only to have it destroyed by a poisonous asteroid that fell from the sky. It was the noisiest thing I'd ever herd. We ran to avoid the moisture and horrible thingsthat came with it out of the sky.We had make quick choices straight away weather to leave rubble hanging down or hoist it away. It was a hard toil but we worked well. We were like royalty because we had to appoint people to do the jobs. We were exhausted by the end of the day and and had to put ointment on our sore hands. We climed into bed and fell fast asleep ready to dream more dreams. By Megan Thornbury!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

timothy said...

The troubled employer

The employer had to make choices ,Who had been disloyal? He had remembered who had been the noisiest, who had shown loyalty and who had been annoying. The employer did not want anyone to suffer disappointment. Everyone wanted to meet royalty once in there lives . His staff had all worked hard making sure the embroidery was perfect. So he decided everyone should have a little bit of employment

JAMES said...

Once there was a poisonous viper called Bob.His favourite food was oysters.One day he went to a snake festivel and there was millions of people there. He bought some oysters, the best ones he could find. He looked up in the sky and saw a bright thing. Then he looked up again and he then knew it was a asteroid coming, so bob shouted "there's a asteroid coming, RUN!" So every body ran away and bob stayed, and it destroyed everything.Then the snakebrigade came and put out the fire using moisturiser. And at the end, bob went home and had his oysters for tea.


Lauren22 said...

The Maiden Voyage....

The owner of a Cruise company had to make choices who to employ to captain the Cruiser for its maiden voyage.
Would he appoint the annoying, disloyal Mr Joyce, or the noisiest, loyal Mr Boyce.
To avoid any disappointment he appointed both men to captain the ship.
The maiden voyage was a great success, royalty were some of the guests, and an enjoyable time was being had by everyone on board, until disaster happened and the ship was destroyed by an asteroid.
Anyone who survived were hoist on to emergency life boats.

Jack Dowey said...


My dad decided one day as we were off school for summer that we should go for a
mystery voyage on our boat. My mum groaned as she hated going on a boat because
it made her sick so to avoid being sea sick mum had to go and get tablets to stop it.
The next morning off we went dad hoist up the big sail. I loved being in the boat
it was always an enjoyable experience. On the way out of the dock I saw a destroyer battle ship I was so excited I couldn’t take my eyes off it we got a bit closer and I realised there was a convoy.