Our Scaffold Text this week uses the 'ee' sound
This can be made in many ways - ee, ey, y, ea, i, ie, ei and e.
Write your own text and post as a comment
My n
eighbour has a sill
y surname. H
e is called Mr Rudolph R
eer. Mr R
eer has no patience and often complains about the sill
iest things – mum’s apron isn’t straight, there aren’t
enough raisins in his birthday cake, the trailer’s wh
eels are on the pavement, the cafĂ© doesn’t open late. When h
e gets angr
y h
e makes such strange faces and his v
eins pop out on his forehead.
Yesterday was Monday, the first day of the school holidays. It rained so hard that Mr R
eer’s children could not go out to play. The children waited to see if the rain would stop and were dismayed to find they had to remain indoors. As th
ey played th
ey created mayhem. Mr R
eindeer can’t wait until the holidays are over and p
eace r
eigns once again.